Olivia de Bergerac
Olivia DE BERGERAC lives in Australia but grew up in Antibes on the CoÌ‚te d'Azur. She has been swimming with dolphins and whales from an early age. With a doctorate in literature and psychology and an MBA, she works as a coach and runs “Dolphins Healing Souls" programs.
As part of her neuroscience research, Olivia studies what she calls the Dolphin Within state, the shared, yet profoundly individual, experiences of people in close contact with free dolphins. She has established
scientific proof of the changes that take place in brain waves, cardiac coherence and happy hormones. Olivia has been developing Delphino-therapy with free-ranging dolphins for over 25 years in Australia, as well as
team-building and strategy planning programs for companies developing stress management and sustainability. For Olivia, Dolphins actually accelerate the evolution of our human consciousness, moving us from fear to Love, from competitiveness to collaboration.
Committed to protecting the seas and oceans, Olivia inspired Australian Prime Minister Bob Carr to facilitate the return of dolphins to Sydney Harbour by recycling rainwater, stopping commercial fishing and eliminating jet skis.
Olivia is also the author of several books: « Dolphins, Doctors of our Soul », « Dolphins in my Soul », «Odyssée of a Soul» and “ Soulmate Manifestation” in English and French.